Dataframe Analytics Reference Book

Dataframe Analytics Reference Book



August 19, 2022


Project Description

The intent of this post is to document basic functions related to analyzing data using DataFrames.


- Data Exploration
- Operations with rows and columns
- Filtering Data Operations
- Chaining examples
- Dictionary Operations

Dataframes Operations

Data Exploration

Command Syntax
Describe df.describe
Number of Rows and Columns df.shape, where:
df.shape[0]= rows & df.shape[1]= columns
Names in Columns df.columns.values
Column data types df.dtypes
Min df['COLUMN_NAME'].min()
Max df['COLUMN_NAME'].max()
Number of unique values len(df['COLUMN_NAME'].unique())
Sorted list of unique values sorted(df['COLUMN_NAME'].unique())
Identify type of value in a column type(df_reason_mod['COLUMN_NAME'][0])
Count per value in column df.['COLUMN_NAME'].value_counts(dropna=False)
Traspose df.head().T
View column with missing value in rows df.loc[df.COLUMN_NAME.isna(), ['COLUMN_NAME_1', 'COLUMN_NAME_2', 'COLUMN_NAME_3']]

Operations with rows and columns

|Command |Syntax | | — | — | |Dropping column|df=df.drop(['COLUMN_NAME'], axis=1)| |Adding column|df['NEW_COLUMN']=df.sum(axis=1)| |Sum values per row|df['NEW_COLUMN']=df.sum(axis=1) | |Sum values per column|df['COLUMN_NAME'].sum(axis=0) | |Cut dataframe from Columns A to D|new_df=df.loc[:,A:D]| |Concatenate multiple df|df= pd.concat([df1,df2,df3,df4,...,dfn], axis=1)| |Renaiming columns| 1) get initial values with column_names=df.columns.value
2) modify the name value in variable
3) df.columns=column_names| |Reordering columns| 1) get initial values with colum_names_reordered=df.columns.value
2) modify order of values in variable
3) df=df[colum_names_reordered]| |Convert values in column to timestamp format. Ex, a column DATE with str such as 07/15/2018|pd.to_datetime(df_reason_mod['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
The convension of the format parameter, see the ‘strftime’ documentation| |Reclassify the values in a column|In a column with 4 distinct values, where we wish to combine 2,3 & 4 as B, and re-label 1 as A: df['COLUMN_NAME']=df['COLUMN_NAME'].map({1:A,2:B,3:B,4:B})| |Slice data with iloc|df.iloc[START_ROW:END_ROW,START_COLUMN:END_COLUMN]
Ex: df.iloc[:,:-1], which is all rows, all columns but the last one| |Where| df['COLUMN_NAME']= np.where(daf['COLUMN_NAMEs']>CONDITION,TRUE_VALUE,FALSE_VALUE)| |Filter data|df[df['COLUMN_NAME']=='VALUE']| |Temporarily display more rows|with pd.option_context('display.max_columns', 22, 'display.min_rows',10): display(df)| |||

Useful codes snippets

** Find Missing data

For a dataFrame called ‘df’, this shows the ‘percentage’ of missing values per column, where there is in fact missing values detected by the ‘.isna()’ function.

    .pipe(lambda ser:ser[ser>0])

Filtering Data Operations

Operation Example Code
With AND Condition df[(df.state=='Texas') & (df.year==1990)]
With OR Condition df[(df.state=='Texas') | (df.year==1990)]
With != Column Names Nomenclature df[df.state=='Texas'] or df[df['state']=='Texas']
With a list_of_values data_filtered=df[df.column_Name.isin(list_of_values)]
Using ‘query’ df.query('colum_Name>=5 and colum_Name<=10')

Date Formatting Data Operations

Operation Example Code
Converting timestamp into datetime data['dt'] = data['ts'].map(lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ').strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))
Function to convert columns for column in columns_to_date: </break> df[column] = pd.to_datetime(df[column], format='%B %d, %Y', errors='coerce')

Chaining Examples

</table> ## Dictionary Operations
Operation Example Code
Groupby & Aggregations Controlling Column Name by Using 'pd.NamedAgg'
 See a code example this workbook.
                    tot_victims=pd.NamedAgg(column="victims", aggfunc="sum"),
                    num_incidents=pd.NamedAgg(column="incident_id", aggfunc="count")
                .sort_values(by='tot_victims', ascending=False)
</td> </tr>
Renaming Columns With .set_axis()
            .set_axis(['sub_region'], axis = 1) #renaming columns
Catching Current State of a DataFrame during Method Chaining
            def catchstate(df, var_name: str) -> 'pd.DataFrame':
            Helper function that captures intermediate Dataframes mid-chain.
            In the global namespace, make a new variable called var_name and set it to dataframe
            globals()[var_name] = df
            return df
                .pipe(catchstate, var_name="df2")
                [(df2.sub_region!='Mountain')&(df2.year!=2017)]#filtering outlier of las vegas shooting
                    tot_victims=pd.NamedAgg(column="tot_victims", aggfunc="sum"),
                    num_incidents=pd.NamedAgg(column="incident_id", aggfunc="count")
Adding time values based on date related column 'time_col'. Ex: time_col='date_of_birth'
                month=lambda df_: df_[time_col].dt.month,
                qtr=lambda df_: df_[time_col].dt.quarter,
                year=lambda df_: df_[time_col].dt.year,
                day=lambda df_: df_[time_col].dt.day_name()
            ).rename(columns={'month': ('').join([time_col, '_month']),
                                'qtr': ('').join([time_col, '_qtr']),
                                'year': ('').join([time_col, '_year']),
                                'day': ('').join([time_col, '_day'])
Operation Example Code
Removing outer layer of dictionary
                .set_axis(['sub_region'], axis = 1)#renaming columns
            this printed a dictionary like this: 
            {'sub_region': {'AK': 'Pacific',
            'AL': 'East South Central',
            'AR': 'West South Central',
            'AZ': 'Mountain',
            'CA': 'Pacific',
            'CO': 'Mountain',
            To remove 'sub_region', we use: 
            from collections import ChainMap
            res = dict(ChainMap(*dict_sub_region.values()))#removes top level of dictionary

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