Ted Talks - ML- Predicting Performing Videos

Ted Talks - ML- Predicting Performing Videos



April 5, 2022


TED Talks is a fascinating source of content. Kaggle offers a dataset on TED Talks posted on the website. As a TED Talk fan, I wanted to understand the type of resources available.

This is the fourth article in a series of a larger project that includes several data science techniques, including: scrapping a website, data wrangling, data classification techniques (PCA and clustering) and Machine Learning techniques. Here are the links to all the articles in this series:

To learn more about the full code on this project, please visit the code library. You can also use this Colab notebook to follow along.

Predicting model for if a video will perform well

The goal is to predict a “good performance” for a given video, when we are defining ‘good performance’ as at least 75% percentile.

We run 4 different models:

Model Y_Prediction
Logistic Regression 0.61
Simple Tree 0.61
Random Forest 0.67
X-Boost 0.67

Based on the Best Performing Models “XG-Boost”, the key features are:

  • Date related variables, where we can see that for well performing videos:

  • there were more videos performing better with 5 min duration. Underperformed videos tended to last longer
  • Well performing videos tended to be released during spring

  • Keywords related to:

  • Personal Growth: personality, goals, motivation, collaboration, communication, humanity, self, performance, creativity
  • Work: business, work-life balance , productivity,
  • Global issues: culture, politics, climate change, planets, gender, virus
  • Other topics: music, sports, philosophy, art, health


Preparing the data

To be able to utilize the models below, the data must be clean of NaNs, numerical, balanced, standardized and split into training, test and validation. In this section we show the steps in code we utilized to achieve the state used for the models.

Note: For readability purposes we show the output of Jupyter notebook staring with “>”

        #verifying no NAN in data feeding model
        >  0 rows × 363 columns 

        #define target

        #we define TARGET a well performing video if it is above 75% percentile. So the model should predict if a video will#perform above 75% percentile
        threshold= np.percentile(df.likes, 75)

        #create target column
        df['target']=[1 if x>threshold else 0 for x in df.likes]

        #drop multicolinearity columns
        data=df.drop(['likes', 'views'], axis=1)

        #drop text columns
        data=data.drop(['author', 'title', 'description_1', 'description_2', 'keywords2'], axis=1)

        #Balance data
        > 0    4098
        1    1342
        Name: target, dtype: int64

        positive_labels = data[data.target==1]
        num_positive_labels = positive_labels.shape[0]

        negative_labels = data[data.target==0].sample(num_positive_labels)
        >(1342, 357)

        balanced_data =  positive_labels.append(negative_labels)
        >1    1342
        0    1342
        Name: target, dtype: int64

        ## Splitting data into test splits
        y = balanced_data.pop('target')
        X = balanced_data

        X_train, X_valid, y_train, y_valid = train_test_split(X, y, test_size = 0.3)
        X_valid, X_test, y_valid, y_test = train_test_split(X_valid, y_valid, test_size = 0.33)
Logistic Regression
        # fit a model
        clf = LogisticRegression(penalty='l2').fit(X_train, y_train)
        # predict probabilities
        pred_reg = clf.predict_proba(X_test)[:, 1]
Decision Tree
        from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
        dt_model = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=10)
        dt_model = dt_model.fit(X_train,y_train)
        pred_dt = dt_model.predict_proba(X_valid)[:, 1]
Random Forest
        from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
        rf_model = RandomForestClassifier()
        rf_model = rf_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
        pred_rf = rf_model.predict_proba(X_valid)[:, 1]
        #code to fix error taken from: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43579180/feature-names-must-be-unique-xgboost
        X_train = X_train.loc[:,~X_train.columns.duplicated()]
        X_valid = X_valid.loc[:,~X_valid.columns.duplicated()]

        from xgboost import XGBClassifier
        xgb_model = XGBClassifier()
        xgb_model = xgb_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
        pred_xgb = xgb_model.predict_proba(X_valid)[:, 1]
Comparing Models
        def create_roc_plot(name, predictions):
        if name == 'Logistic':
                auc = roc_auc_score(y_test, predictions).round(2)
                fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_test, predictions)
                auc = roc_auc_score(y_valid, predictions).round(2)
                fpr, tpr, _ = roc_curve(y_valid, predictions)

        plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
        plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='--')  # plot horizontal line 
        plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='{} AUC = {}'.format(name, auc)) # plot the roc curve for the model
        plt.legend(loc='lower right')  # show the legend
        plt.show() # show the plot
        return None
        create_roc_plot('Logistic', pred_reg)
        create_roc_plot('Simple Decision Tree', pred_dt)
        create_roc_plot('Random Forest', pred_rf)
        create_roc_plot('XGBoost', pred_xgb)
Logistic Regression Simple Decision Tree
Linear Regression Simple Tree
Random Forest XGBoost
Random Forest XGBoost

Given that Random Forest & XGBoost tends to outperform the other models, let’s see the Feature importance on these two models:

        #XGBoost - All Features to observe the curve
        from xgboost import plot_importance
        #XGBoost - Top Features
        df_graph=(pd.Series(xgb_model.feature_importances_, index=X.columns.values)

        #improving labels
        ax.set_ylabel('Features ')

        #styling grid, leyend and title
        plt.title('Feature Importance', ha='center', fontsize='x-large')
        plt.grid(axis='y', color='black', alpha=.2)
Total Features Top Features
        #Random Forest  - All Features to observe the curve
        from sklearn.inspection import permutation_importance
        plt.barh(X.columns.values, rf_model.feature_importances_)     
        #Random Forest  - Top Features
        (pd.Series(rf_model.feature_importances_, index=X.columns.values)
Total Features Top Features

Based on these features, we can identify some keywords and variables that are worth analyzing further.

Understanding date_recorded_year & date_released_year

        df2=pd.concat([X,y], axis=1)
        df_graph=df2.loc[:,['date_released_year', 'target']]

        #improving graph
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(13,5), sharex=True)

        # #plotting first histogram
        .plot( kind = 'bar',alpha=0.6, ax=ax,) 
        # #plotting second histogram
        .plot( kind = 'bar',alpha=0.5, ax=ax, color='#76725e') 

        # # #improving labels
        ax.set_ylabel('Count Videos ')

        #styling grid, leyend and title
        plt.title('Released Year by Performing and Not Performing Videos', ha='center', fontsize='xx-large')
        plt.legend(["Performing", "Not Performing"], loc='upper center',ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1), borderaxespad=2.6, facecolor="white")
        plt.grid(axis='y', color='black', alpha=.2)

Data Exploration

Understanding date_released_month

        df2=pd.concat([X,y], axis=1)
        df_graph=df2.loc[:,['date_released_month', 'target']]

        #improving graph
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=1, figsize=(13,5), sharex=True)

        # #plotting first histogram
        .plot( kind = 'bar',alpha=0.6, ax=ax,) 
        # #plotting second histogram
        .plot( kind = 'bar',alpha=0.5, ax=ax, color='#76725e') 

        # # #improving labels

        ax.set_xticklabels(['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Ago', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'])
        ax.set_ylabel('Count Videos ')

        #styling grid, leyend and title
        plt.title('Released Month by Performing and Not Performing Videos', ha='center', fontsize='xx-large')
        plt.legend(["Performing", "Not Performing"], loc='upper center',ncol=2, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.1), borderaxespad=2.6, facecolor="white")
        plt.grid(axis='y', color='black', alpha=.2)

Data Exploration


Please read the next article of this series on ML - Recommendation Engine

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